Recurrent Pregnancy Loss


Losing a pregnancy is a devastating experience, and when it is recurrent, many people are overwhelmed with grief and anxiety. Many known causes account for pregnancy loss, including inherited or spontaneous genetic abnormalities, anatomical defects of a woman’s reproductive system, hormonal imbalances, immunological deficiencies, infectious causes or, blood clotting abnormalities.

An investigation to determine if an underlying cause is responsible is necessary. Correction of abnormalities significantly increases the possibility of a successful pregnancy. Close management of pregnancy during the first trimester is part of the treatment plan and has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of additional losses as well.

View Infertility Counseling Resources

Nicole Brule, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
1210 Pearl St, Eugene, OR 97401
Ph (541) 349-7600
Fax (541) 686-8330
Visit Website

Julie Williams, PhD
Ph (541) 484-0611

Gail Richards, PhD, LCSW
Ph (541) 343-1937
Visit Website

Jacqui Lichenstein, PhD, LCSW
Ph (541) 344-7303
Visit Website

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners at Benson Health Clinic
Ph (541) 345-1722
Fax (541) 485-7049
Visit Website

Grief Counseling

Jill Wolf, LPC
Ph (541) 345-2800
Visit Website

Nicole Brule, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
1210 Pearl St, Eugene, OR 97401
Ph (541) 349-7600
Fax (541) 686-8330
Visit Website

Nancy Evergreen, LPC
Ph (541) 485-2484

Sarah Peterson
Ph (541) 228-3050
Cascade Health Solutions/Transitions Program: Sarah DOES NOT see patients in private practice. She works in the Transitions Program at Cascade Health, which is basically a pre-hospice program. She does home visits to discuss end-of-life care, connect patients/caregivers with needed resources and does grief counseling with patients, families and caregivers. Referral needs to come from the sick person’s PCP, not from us unless sick person is our patient. Transitions program is free of charge.